Red Friday
June 13th, 2008 . by CaryWearing my Lightning Sharp polo today – being all casual and what not.
You would have known this if you had listened to the show this morning – oh, wait, that’s right. I had connectivity issues and couldn’t host the show, so it was pretty much a bust.
Next time.
One of the things I was going to touch on on the show was the Supreme’s ruling that people don’t have to be citizens in order to be protected by this country’s constitution.
Great. Now all the illegals can claim rights under the constitution, since the Gitmo detainees have managed to weasel their way under it’s umbrella.
President Bush, it’s time to grow a pair – what, are you afraid your popularity rating will nosedive? You aren’t headed for another term in the White House, so what’s the harm? Cowboy up, Mr. President, and tell the Supremes they are WRONG to grant rights to non-citizens.
So, if you are a terrorist, fighting US soldiers, and are captured in the process of fighting US soldiers, and you are not wearing a uniform – it’s OK! Before, if the US had abided by the Geneva Convention, the detainee would have been executed in the field. Since that is distasteful to the liberals, the US afforded them protections under the Geneva Convention, by instead imprisoning them and granting them legal representation. Apparently that isn’t enough for the Justices Who Would Be Kings, and now these non-citizens, held for participating in non-uniformed acts of aggression on uniformed members of a recognized, standing army, have all the same rights and privileges as any citizen of the United States under the constitution.
Fantastic. Annie, get your gun.
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