The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Are We Getting Closer?

April 1st, 2013 . by Cary

I’m going to link to an article a little later, but to preface that, I want to tell you about a conversation that I was part of after Resurrection Sunday dinner. The host asked if anyone in the room knew how to connect to, or communicate with, those on the ideological opposite side from us. (meaning, conservative, independent thinking, Christians, and lovers of the United States)

We couldn’t come to an answer – it seems the two sides are, in fact, very far apart from one another. And we are there because of the leadership styles since FDR, and lately have been seemingly gleefully pushed the rest of the way by a complicit Media.

And now, from The D.C. Clothesline comes this piece, by contributing writer Jim Copenhaver:

This nation is closer to a Civil War than it has been since 1861.

Scary thought, isn’t it? Especially to those who have seen war and know from personal experience what it is like. If you are older than 35, would you ever have dreamed that one day, in our lifetimes, our country would be reduced to this? Sometimes it makes me want to cry for America. It makes me want to throw a fit and smash things, rage and scream like a wild man. I want to grab my weapons, march to Washington DC, stand up in front of Congress and the president and say, “Now Look, this is the way it is going to be or by God, I will start shooting!”

Yes, it is a scary thought. Is this what we, as a country, have become? Waiting to settle this thing, once and for all, with a willingness to fight with another citizen to finally get your ideas across?

Chat ya later…


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