The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

30 Years

December 24th, 2020 . by Cary

Today, my alarm went off at 4:30, like it has for most of the last 30 years.

Today, I went to work at a cabinet shop, like I have for the better part of 30 years.

Today, I left a cabinet shop for the last time.

I’ve been designing, building, or installing cabinets for most of the last 30 years (took three years out, while managing a toy store). Around August of this year, I realized I was tired of working in cabinets. I started casting around, knowing that I still need to provide for my family for at least another 13 1/2 years (mortgage, you know …) and into my lap fell the opportunity to be the construction manager for a property management group.

I talked it over with my beautiful bride. I prayed about it – long and hard! – and sought His will for my life. The week after Thanksgiving, I knocked on my boss’s door and had a long talk with him. I had only been working in this shop for three years, but I felt like I had finally found the shop I should have been in all along (including the time I worked for the worst boss possible – myself) and I owed him the courtesy of a long discussion. It wasn’t the money. It wasn’t the workplace. It wasn’t the people.

It was, however, time. He was disappointed. He had seen the office crew really start humming along since I came on board, he was sorry to see me go, and he said that if, for whatever reason, it didn’t work out, to give him a call, because he would take me back in a heartbeat.

I was the preliminary designer, you see, and it was my work that got approved or adjusted by the customer. I would meet with them, measure their spaces, and work with their requirements to create what they needed. I had the knowledge to keep the paperwork part organized, and the OCD-ness to stay on the customers until ALL the questions were answered. Sometimes this resulted in overly polite and extremely professional emails and phone calls basically telling certain interior designers and project superintendents to get off their butts and make some decisions, but that’s what it took!

I love making peoples dreams become realities. I will still be able to do that, but from a different perspective, and for a more limited number of people – the investors in the property management group. I am really looking forward to this next stage in my career path.

The last 30 years have been challenging. I have been injured in this industry (although I can still count to ten without taking off my shoes). I have seen coworkers fatally injured with the tools we use every day. I have had some pretty loud discussions regarding the heritage of interior designers, I have fired customers, fired people I supervised, and fired a pair of bosses once (they owned the company, and were divorced. Messy, and bipolar, and dys___ctional – meaning there was no fun there).

I have met the most talented people in this industry, some famous names have my work in their homes, and met some leaders in the entertainment and sports industries that are nothing like their public personas – and others who are the most down-to-earth and wonderful people you would ever want to meet.

The bottom line for me is – this is the end of an era, and the start of a new one.

Chat ya later…


Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

What Did She Say?

October 20th, 2016 . by Cary

The classification system for our military operational and logistical secrets (and, don’t forget Operational Security, or OPSEC) is a very serious matter. Serious enough that the lives of our armed forces depend on it, and serious enough that if you misuse or release classified information, you could end up in jail at the very least. The highest punishment for the release of classified information is a charge of treason. In peacetime (that means when we aren’t at war with anyone) being guilty of treason means a very, very long prison sentence. During wartime (that means when we have combat troops deployed and defending assets with live ammunition) a charge of treason can result in your execution.

It’s kind of a big deal.

Hillary Clinton, while Secretary of State for the United States, made the apparently common and unavoidable mistake of setting up a private e-mail server for her official communications, including classified information in those emails. James Comey, the FBI director, found that in spite of this, former Secretary Hillary Clinton should not be prosecuted for mishandling of classified information, setting the precedent of allowing Democrats to flaunt national security at will.

Having just gone through several hearings, briefings, and being reminded that (C) is not just for cookie, Hillary once again disregarded national security and broadcast top secret information in the clear on global television during the October 19, 2016 Presidential Debates. Either she is purposely releasing classified information in the clear, in which case she is unfit for the Presidency, or she is so blind to what security actually entails that she is unfit for the Presidency.

Oh, you need proof?

Skip ahead to the 6:30 mark and listen from there.

Trump 2016 – He Doesn’t Share Secrets

Chat ya later…


Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

Money and Political Correctness

April 21st, 2016 . by Cary

It would appear that the liberal/progressive/Politically Correct crowd has finally gotten something they have been clamoring for – a female on contemporary paper currency.

Martha Washington was on this country’s paper currency in the 1800s, so it won’t be the first time a female has appeared on our paper currency, and since Sacagewea and Susan B. Anthony have been on dollar coins, that frontier has been breached in recent times and has escaped the attention of the lib/prog/PC crowd.

There was talk about removing Alexander Hamilton from the ten dollar bill and replacing him with a Female To Be Named Later, but cooler heads prevailed, and an “easier” target for the lib/prog/PC crowd was soon acquired – that slave owning, parameter ignoring, native-peoples-killing President Andrew Jackson on the twenty dollar bill. After all, he was for a lot of things the current lib/prog/PC(/history ignorant) crowd is against – slaves, usurping the lands of native peoples, relocating and/or killing said native peoples, and … being a Democrat.

No, wait – that last part is OK, but the other things are bad, so we have to get rid of Jackson from the $20 bill.

Now on to the more important part of this progression – who should be selected to replace Jackson? The historical female figure should show strength, and courage, and have been instrumental in making a huge, impactful change on the very fabric of this country. Sacagewea and Susan B. Anthony had already been chosen from other projects, so who else would there be? Let’s see – Margaret Sanger, Democrat, founder of Planned Parenthood – no, wait, it’s been pretty obvious that her aim was to remove the Black population by aborting mostly black babies. That wouldn’t send the right message. Christa McAuliffe – hey, she was a teacher, was selected to represent teachers in the NASA space program, died in that service – wait, no, she’s white. That’s really not the right message.

I know – Harriet Tubman! She ran the Underground Railroad, moving slaves from the south to the north! She helped slaves escape the oppression of mean old whitey! This is perfect!

(interesting side note – the people group that exported slaves from Africa were black tribal chiefs who sold conquered tribes to black slave traders, who then sailed them with no regard to their well being to the young United States, where they were first sold to a black land owner)

Which brings us to the link portion of the story – apparently the lib/prog/PC(history ignorant) crowd overlooked a few things about Harriet – as discussed in this article at The Patriot Post, she trusted wholly in God, carried a pistol, and served as a scout, spy, and nurse for the Union Army. Good thing they’re all ignorant of history – looks like we get a person of strong conservative beliefs on the most-used paper currency. Of course, we have to wait until 2030 before we start seing them, but I think it will be well worth the wait.

Unless one of the lib/prog/PC crowd cracks an actual history book between now and then …

Chat ya later…


Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

No Casualties In Massive Civil Disobedience

December 31st, 2015 . by Cary

Ever since Sunday evening, December 27th, there was a massive civil disobedience happening in Southern California. The body count was in the zeros, and many laws were broken – on purpose! – in order to prove a point.

From all non-reports, a mentally stable, white, male, Christian was in the area of San Diego for more than four days, blatantly breaking all sorts of California gun control laws, including transporting a loaded “assault weapon” (semi-automatic large caliber pistol) on state and federal highways in the state of California, possessing a loaded “assault weapon” without permission from the state of California, having a “high capacity” magazine in said “assault weapon”, having more than ten rounds in said “high capacity” magazine in said “assault weapon”, and having a round chambered in said “assault weapon” the entire time this was happening. Reports indicate that the mentally stable, white, male, Christian was in several venues where a great deal of harm could have been committed, if the mentally stable, white, male, Christian were so inclined; those locations including several museums, open air plazas, and the San Diego Zoo.

A source close to the mentally stable, white, male, Christian says that the perpetrator, who is allowed in his home state to act in this manner without any type of restriction or license, acted no differently than he did at home; the source has said “It was if he just ignored all the hoopla and had the audacity to act as though he had the God-given right to protect himself and those around him.” (editor’s emphasis)

No passer-by noticed he was armed, no police officers were called, and no violence was reported.

The point of all this? It’s only when someone is bent on terrorizing others that the issues of weapon choice, size, capacity, and actions are seen as “bad” – because as soon as the mentally stable, white, male, Christian crossed the Colorado River traveling west bound the laws considered him to be acting in a felonious manner; likewise, as soon as the Colorado was crossed in an east bound direction he was acting within the laws of the land.

Chat ya later…


Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

The Dark Side … of Us.

September 24th, 2015 . by Cary

There is some language in the bottom of this article.

My first question when a video of this nature appears is: Why were the low-lifes FILMING this and not INTERVENING? Really? You think getting “likes” on YouTube is more important than helping your fellow man?

Go away from me, I don’t want anything to do with your brand of “humanity”.

Chat ya later…


Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

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