The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Unemployed, But Looking, Day One

November 8th, 2006 . by Cary

First things first – thank you, my dear and gentle and faithful readers, for being joined with me in holding this up in prayer. I know that God has something better planned for me, and now it’s just a matter of listening to what He has to say.

I got up a little bit later than normal today – TMBWitW was working from home, so she didn’t have to rush right out first thing, and I certainly didn’t have anywhere to go…

An offshoot of this episode is that I figured out why I wasn’t sleeping very well. I now think that the stress and uncertainty of not knowing if I had made the right decision (going back to this job after a previous offer didn’t pan out) was keeping me up.

Anyway, the house is a little cleaner, my job prospects got shaken out a bit, the resume got massaged, and the dogs got played with. Turns out that was the most enjoyable part.

I’m even asking the Lord for guidance on whether to stay in this industry (cabinetry), or use my knowledge to tangent into another industry with similar skills (layout and design), or even to walk away from this and start on a new career.

Yeah, at my age.

Talk about a leap of faith.

Thanks for listening, and stopping by. I’ve gotta go talk to the Counselor about my career path. I’ll keep you posted.

God bless you all, Wear Red on Fridays, and get in on the Baby Pool!

Well, Hey There!

November 7th, 2006 . by Cary

Why are you posting, Cary? Did something happen at work?

Yes, yes it did.

IT happened.

I left. This time, I don’t think they’ll be asking me back. I left in a bit of a temper, after being told, basically, that following procedures and processes, including questioning unclear portions of an order, was not good enough. Apparently, one needs to go above and beyond filling the order placed by the salesman and actually read the mind of a customer one doesn’t interact with.

In a way, I am going to miss that place – I have – uhm, had a very high level of respect and synergy with the people I work with – excuse me, worked with – including the manager I walked out on.

So – if anyone knows of a position where cabinet software, some CAD ability and a work ethic that normally leaves Type A personalities in the dust would be required, left me know. E-mail me at carycartter AT gmail DOT com. And no, I don’t want to sell pharma-anything over the internet. Nor do I wish to be involved in Multi-Level Marketing, no matter what name is behind it.

Actually, right now, a position that requires me to test my golf clubs at various locations around the Valley of the Sun would be really good. Maybe Secret Shopper has a position like that…

God bless you all, Wear Red on Fridays, and get in on the Baby Pool!