The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Red Friday Pre-Post

April 9th, 2010 . by Cary

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A pre-post? A post before the post? Post aster the preparation?

Don’t worry, it’s a curse of the occasional stream-of-consciousness that I use in writing my posts. Sometimes.

And, of course, it means that I wrote it Thursday evening, even before I wrote my Thursday entry. Wanted to get the stream-of-consciousness thing out of the way, you know?

Any way, as you read this, I am cabbin’ it enjoying a rare day off with TMBWitW and MEG while wearing my Lighting Sharp polo. Hope you all have a great weekend.

Chat ya later…

cary friday

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, don’t buy or breed cats or dogs while homeless pets die (spay, neuter & adopt a pet, one by one, until there are none), Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

April Red Friday

April 2nd, 2010 . by Cary

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Cabbed it today. Since I mentioned the cat ladies the other day, naturally I get two of them (separately) today. Plus a couple that smelled like the water in their trailer home had been shut off. For a week. This is why I carry a can of Febreeze in my satchel. Otherwise, I couldn’t have stayed in the cab!

Today being Good Friday (Good in this case being an old English adjective meaning Holy) the home group is having a Passover Supper at the Pastor’s home. I’m looking forward to it. TMBWitW, not so much – since lamb is a featured item on the menu.

Blessings on you and your family. May the peace of Christ find you this weekend.

Chat ya later…

cary friday

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, don’t buy or breed cats or dogs while homeless pets die (spay, neuter & adopt a pet, one by one, until there are none), Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Cab Friday

March 26th, 2010 . by Cary

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Yesterday, a dump truck ran over a group of motorcyclists on Carefree Highway at 27th Ave. At least three riders were killed, and ten were sent to the hospital. Most of the riders were husband/wife teams, and the group was on an outing. Prayers for the families, if you could, and also for the truck driver who blew the stop sign…

I’ll be out driving a cab today. Please, be careful out there!

Chat ya later…

cary friday

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, don’t buy or breed cats or dogs while homeless pets die (spay, neuter & adopt a pet, one by one, until there are none), Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!


March 12th, 2010 . by Cary

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I’m out driving a cab right now. Please leave a message in the comments below and I will return your call as soon as practical.


(ps – i’ve canceled the show – again – because i’ve been up since 0330 and i have to get up again in the morning before the sun. this isn’t working. i’ve got to find another way of doing this.)

Chat ya later…

cary friday

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, don’t buy or breed cats or dogs while homeless pets die (spay, neuter & adopt a pet, one by one, until there are none), Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Friday Afternoon

March 5th, 2010 . by Cary

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Quick update – right now, the only thing on me that is red are my eyes. I just woke up. When I went to get a cab yesterday morning (I slept in until 0500, and by the time I got to the cage there was a line of all things … ) there weren’t any Crown Victorias left. The only cabs available for lease were the Prius(s) (how do you pluralize Prius? Prii? Priuses? many Prius?) and then only if you went for a 24 hour lease. So – on short sleep, and needing to run a cab, I signed on for the special Prius familiarization class (worth a $5 credit on your lease) and had a walk around tour (because they won’t take your word for the fact that you have operated one of these critters before). Then, I was off. The lease rate for a Prius is higher than for a Crown Vic. The comfort rate for a Prius, however, is much lower. Yes, it got great mileage. Yes, I only used $30 of gas (@2.59/gal) for over 400 miles of city driving. But my rear end was welded to the seat all day and all night, so I was reminded of the trip, and why I didn’t buy one after driving one across the country.

Speaking of “i just woke up and boy, am i tired”, I have, once again, postponed the next installment of The “O” Word until the 12th. Sorry, AnnieB – the mind, it is not working, and I won’t be able to take a nap between now and then.

Chat ya later…

cary friday

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, don’t buy or breed cats or dogs while homeless pets die (spay, neuter & adopt a pet, one by one, until there are none), Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

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